Seasons Greetings Fellow New Englanders,
For the past few years when people ask me what I want for Christmas I ask that they make a donation to a charity. It used to be St. Jude's and I would get a very nice acknowledgement card from them. I think most large organizations do this. This year a good friend of mine got married (she is in her 50's) and although it was her first marriage, she, like me, does not need another "thing". I gave her her wedding invitation in a silver frame and a donation to the Childrens' Hospital in Boston. (She was also sort of styling her wedding on a lower scale Will and Kate version and that was along the line of what they requested as wedding gifts).
In response to my "Question Impossible", along with great responses from diggerdee and diggingthedirt, gardenweed sent me a lot of perennial seeds to wintersow for Michelle's (ontheteam) Childrens' Hospital plant sale in May. I've tried wintersowing before with mixed results and was wondering if there is anyone out there who would be able to help. This is what I propose - if you're in the greater Boston area (I live in Newton) select at least 2 seed packages from the list below and wintersow them for the plant sale and "give" the plants and your time and efforts as a gift to someone this year (just include a notation in a card). As long as there are at least 20 plants (or if you pick more than 2 seeds, at least 10 plants per seed package) in the Spring, I'll come pick them up. If your wintersowing efforts are not successful, at least you tried and you'll get some experience for the future. If you succeed, you'll be donating some plants to the plant sale but also get to keep some to give the remainder to family, friends or swaps. Either way, you've given the person who has everything a gift of yourself to benefit the Childrens' Hospital. I'm trying to make this a win-win for everyone so if you're interested or have any other idea, please send me an email.
Thank you for you time and patience reading my long winded message. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Iris sibirica - Siberian iris (at least 50 seeds)
Stokesia laevis 'Klaus Jelitto' - Stokes Astor (at least 25 seeds)
Dianthus barbatus - Sweet William 'Sooty' (at least 50 seeds)
Baptisia australis - False Indigo 'Starlite Prarieblues' (at least 50 seeds)
Baptisia australis - False Indigo (at least 25 seeds)
Verbascum chaixil var. album - mullein 'Milk Shake' (at least 100 seeds)
Gaillardia aristata - Blanket Flower (at least 50 seeds)
Lychnis coronaria - Rose Companion (at least 100 seeds)
Dianthus plumarius - Cottage pinks (at least 25 seeds)
Hosta 'Sieboldiana Elegans' - Plantain lily (at least 100 seeds)
Leucanthemum/chrysanthemum x superbum - Shasta Daisy (at least 50 seeds)
Lupinus perennis - Lupine (red) (at least 25 seeds)
Penstemon digitalis - Foxglove beardtongue 'Mystica' (at least 50 seeds)
Trollius ledebourli - Chinese globeflower (at least 50 seeds)
Aquilegia - Columbine (mix)(at least 100 seeds)
Aquilegia vulgaris - Columbine 'Winky Mix' (at least 50 seeds)
Phlox paniculata - tall garden phlox mixed (at least 25 seeds)
Livingstone Seed Co. - 2 packages Lupine - Russell's Prize Mix
Livingstone Seed Co. - 1 package Foxglove - Gloxinaflora Mix
Burpee - 2 packages Iberis sempervirens - Candytuft
Burpee - 3 pacages Painted Daisy Mixed Colors - Margarita Mayor
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
CMN Endorsement Letter for 2012 Sale ;)
Scroll down and click on the middle of the letter below to see a full screen view of it. is now specifically named in the letter. Awesome! :)
And 2012 plant sale prep starts!
So most of you are running around trying to tie up the 2011 loose and get set for Christmas... Well ends here at Casa de cucoo.. We are gearing up for the 2012 CMN plant sale. Recruiting volunteers! Getting donation letters written,refining the address list. and choosing what seeds we are going to grow for you! So Think warm May thoughts and think about how YOU can help.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
So I do not forget
Did I rember to tell you:
We with the Store did riaed over $30,000 this year ?!!
About 1/2 of that is plants!
The rest of the post : It's not a sexy post..but I won;t loose it here...
- Write “testimony” letter to be endorsed by Packard Farm
- Send Thank Yous to : Marlene, Rebbecca, Trudi, Packard Farm, Zabo, D&D, Pleasant View, Blanchettes, NE Seed Warren Shepard, Araujo’s, Connie, Chris, Carol F, MassHort MG’s, Lilone of GW, PlaysinDirt of GW and ???
- Solicititations: Silva’s in Dighton, Blackmore, Griffin, Get hooked up with grower of herb plugs
- Seed and divide perennials for 2012
- Pot up all ddoanted seedlings and
- pot up all older perennials in to larger pots
- Take cuttings of Bridal bush,beauty bush,Pink,white,blue,green Hydrangea,Nelly and jack clematis,forsythia,Red jap maple,
- Jan
- Start seeds/plugs for hangers, winter sow 2013 perennials
- Send letters for donations
- Feb
- Start Herbs,
- follow up calls
- March
- Start Toms and peppers
- Arrange potting party better with warehouse ... save the date... April 15th.. Sunday before Patriots’ Day
- Hang the banner in the STORE in March/April advertising sale
- Going to need to extend sale hours to match store opening and closer to closing allowing us to get in on 2 very large waves of people. Add more days week of Memorial Day.
For sale:
- MUST have visible price list with blurb that explains it is a fundraiser; prices listed as donations.
- MUST do bench cards/picture book for items NOT donated by Packard Farm
- Plants people asked most for :Mint, Basil, Lilly of valley, rosemary, thyme, geraniums. hangers, Rose bushes (Keep basil under LIGHTS longer or bring back in under-lights)
- Staffing: Need more Volunteers and more Costco Employees to get involved. Particularly if extending hours.
- "adopt" local garden clubs Avon, Stoughton, Brockton, Holbrook, Randolph, Canton, Easton, Sharon, Quincy.
- Ask marketers to focus on hort related groups for member drive.
- Find way to collect email address
- Incorporate as a lic charity
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Things to do and lessons leared Plant sale 2011
- Write “testimony” letter to be endorsed by Packard Farm
- Send Thank Yous to : Marlene, Rebbecca, Trudi, Packard Farm, Zabo, D&D, Pleasant View, Blanchettes, NE Seed Warren Shepard, Araujo’s, Connie, Chris, Carol F, MassHort MG’s, Lilone of GW, PlaysinDirt of GW
- Solicititations: Silva’s in Dighton, Blackmore, Griffin, Get hooked up with grower of herb plugs
- Seed and divide perennials for 2012
- Jan
- Start seeds/plugs for hangers, winter sow 2013 perennials
- Send letters for donations
- Feb
- Start Herbs,
- follow up calls
- March
- Start Toms and peppers
- Arrange potting party better with warehouse ... save the date... April 15th.. Sunday before Patriots’ Day
- Hang the banner in the STORE in March/April advertising sale
- Going to need to extend sale hours to match store opening and closer to closing allowing us to get in on 2 very large waves of people. Add more days week of Memorial Day.
For sale:
- MUST have visible price list with blurb that explains it is a fundraiser; prices listed as donations.
- MUST do bench cards/picture book for items NOT donated by Packard Farm
- Plants people asked most for :Mint, Basil, Lilly of valley, rosemary, thyme, geraniums. hangers, Rose bushes (Keep basil under LIGHTS longer or bring back in under-lights)
- Staffing: Need more Volunteers and more Costco Employees to get involved. Particularly if extending hours.
- "adopt" local garden clubs Avon, Stoughton, Brockton, Holbrook, Randolph, Canton, Easton, Sharon, Quincy.
- Ask marketers to focus on hort related groups for member drive.
- Find way to collect email address
- Incorporate as a lic charity
Notes to self for 2012
MUST have visible price list
MUST do bench cards
Plants people asked most for :Mint,Basil,Lilly of valley,rosemary,thyme,geraniums.hangers,Rose bushes (Keep basil under LIGHTS longer or bring back in underlights
Need more Volunteers and more Costco Employees to get involved.
"adopt" local garden club( Avon,Stoughton.Brockton,holbrook,Randolph,canton,Easton,Sharon,Quincy) Get marketers to focus on hort related groups for member drive.
Find way to collect email address
incorporate as a lic charity
- :Jan 2012 Start seeds/plugs for hangers,winter sow 2013 perennials
- Send letters for donations
- ,Feb Start Herbs,
- follow up calls
- March Start Toms and peppers
- Arrange potting party better with warehouse ... save the date... April 15th.. Sunday before Patriots day)
- Going to need to extend sale hours (to match store opening and closer to closing allowing us to get in on 2 very large waves of people. Add more days week of Memorial day
- Hang the banner in the STORE in March/April advertizing sale
MUST have visible price list
MUST do bench cards
Plants people asked most for :Mint,Basil,Lilly of valley,rosemary,thyme,geraniums.hangers,Rose bushes (Keep basil under LIGHTS longer or bring back in underlights
Need more Volunteers and more Costco Employees to get involved.
"adopt" local garden club( Avon,Stoughton.Brockton,holbrook,Randolph,canton,Easton,Sharon,Quincy) Get marketers to focus on hort related groups for member drive.
Find way to collect email address
incorporate as a lic charity
Thursday, May 19, 2011
CRAZY is right.....
Ok So I have to get the King worker bee to post pics.. we have had so many frineds old and new from MassHort join us in the lsat 2 weeks. Lori Packard has given us beautiful plants Marlene has given blood sweat and tears. Costco's been super supportive and helpful The Cashiers they provide ( Mainly Heather B and Andrea_) have been SUPER. Aaron(King Worker bee,,,) The Twin towers and as Marlene has named my youning./. Stuffed Boy and Robot Girl...and my supernatural kid Sarah.. have all been awesome
Lynne at Costco donated alomst 200 worth of herbs last weekend. We have Tomatos of every k ind Shade and sun perennials annuals herbs, veggies..all we nned is ...
SUN.. and People, This weather does NOT put people in a planting mood... is GREAT for planting. The Plats wold LOVE it any how
So YOU come one down to 120 stockwell drag your hubby your mom your kids your garden enabling friends and come support CMN and the last 7 days of the 2011 Plant sale~!
Last year combined with the plants this location donated $24,000 dollars to CMN. Right now we are not even half way to that...
So show some love ok? You can mail or even paypal to Aaron if you can't come by plants....
The only good thing about all the rain.....
I do not have to water the farm....
Lynne at Costco donated alomst 200 worth of herbs last weekend. We have Tomatos of every k ind Shade and sun perennials annuals herbs, veggies..all we nned is ...
SUN.. and People, This weather does NOT put people in a planting mood... is GREAT for planting. The Plats wold LOVE it any how
So YOU come one down to 120 stockwell drag your hubby your mom your kids your garden enabling friends and come support CMN and the last 7 days of the 2011 Plant sale~!
Last year combined with the plants this location donated $24,000 dollars to CMN. Right now we are not even half way to that...
So show some love ok? You can mail or even paypal to Aaron if you can't come by plants....
The only good thing about all the rain.....
I do not have to water the farm....
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
2011 sale is under way....
So we have had our 1st weekend of the 2011 sale. We made around $1200.00 dollars for CMN, and look forward to having that number grow!
Rember the hours are 11 am to 5 pm Fri. Sat, Sunday. at 120 stockwell Dr in Avon MA and you do NOT need a Costco membership to support the sale.
Marlene and Aaron and Keiran were he star volunteers of the week. I have been s-i-c-k and they kindly ordered me to stay home and rest.
Heather was our Cashier duJour and she Rocks.
Connie and Chris..aka" the Tomato people" have made their donations of beautiful rare tomatoes plants and hot pepper plants. So come on and check em out.
Carlos is the man in command of CMN this year and i am enjoying his support.
Here are a few notes related to the sale:
We grow the majority of our plants ourselves, so we can sell them to you at reasonable prices.
We do have veggies: 6 kinds of Tomatoes.summer squash,green-beans,broccoli,Swiss chard,
Herbs and more veggies will be coming hopefully for mom's day weekend.
We will have a limited amount of Proven winners mixed hanging baskets starting Friday for Mom's day. Retail is $50.00 we are selling them for around $30.00
Ohh oh .. we have been chose by the "sisters plant sale" in Reading to receive the left over plants from their plant sale that benefits Make a Wish Foundation Please check them out and support them in their 15th year! .
We will have their plants for the final weekend.
Also next week we will have SEEDS for sale.. NE Seed Co has doanted a 48 pocket seed rack to us full of seeds.( Please do not let me buy it all myself!) it's a mix of all the best sellers so come check it out and support CMN!
Rember the hours are 11 am to 5 pm Fri. Sat, Sunday. at 120 stockwell Dr in Avon MA and you do NOT need a Costco membership to support the sale.
Marlene and Aaron and Keiran were he star volunteers of the week. I have been s-i-c-k and they kindly ordered me to stay home and rest.
Heather was our Cashier duJour and she Rocks.
Connie and Chris..aka" the Tomato people" have made their donations of beautiful rare tomatoes plants and hot pepper plants. So come on and check em out.
Carlos is the man in command of CMN this year and i am enjoying his support.
Here are a few notes related to the sale:
- There will be a plant parking lot.
- Remember when selecting plant material, bigger and blooming is not necessarily better.
- Occasionally, a plant may be mislabeled. If this happens, please forgive us and feel free to ask for a replacement.
We grow the majority of our plants ourselves, so we can sell them to you at reasonable prices.
- $3 to $4 for starter-sized plants.
- $5 and up for shrubs, trees, large, rare, or prized varieties.
We do have veggies: 6 kinds of Tomatoes.summer squash,green-beans,broccoli,Swiss chard,
Herbs and more veggies will be coming hopefully for mom's day weekend.
We will have a limited amount of Proven winners mixed hanging baskets starting Friday for Mom's day. Retail is $50.00 we are selling them for around $30.00
Ohh oh .. we have been chose by the "sisters plant sale" in Reading to receive the left over plants from their plant sale that benefits Make a Wish Foundation Please check them out and support them in their 15th year! .
We will have their plants for the final weekend.
Also next week we will have SEEDS for sale.. NE Seed Co has doanted a 48 pocket seed rack to us full of seeds.( Please do not let me buy it all myself!) it's a mix of all the best sellers so come check it out and support CMN!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Down at the farm
This is the 2 FULL low tunnels I have outside. Tunnel 1 is NEW plants from bulbs and roots for this years sale Tunnel 2 is perennials from last years winter sowing that will sell this year.
inside view of tunnel 1.............
Inside view of tunnel 2
close up of a baby delphinium. indulge me. So proud I can get this sucker to GROW they have been HARD.
outside view tunnels 1 and 2 and Tunnel 3 waiting to be filled. That is getting a 1 1/2 foot layer of fresh horse manure 1st. ( Thank you Aaron honey I love you) So it will hold heat over night better and i can put the peppers tom's and annuals in it.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Never had to write a press release before.
So help.
Suggestions please?
Charity plant sale to benefit Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals in support of Children's Hospital Boston to be held Starting Friday April 29th Sat April 30 and Sunday May 1st from 1130 am to 5 30 pm.
At the Costco Avon Location 120 Stockwell Drive Avon MA 02322, 508-232-4000 behind Jordan's Furniture..
( Plant sale will also be open every weekend in May. 6th,7th,8th,13th,14th,15th,20st,21nd,22rd and final weekend Thursday 26th,27th,28th,29th,)
Why a Plant sale for a hospital some people ask??... Because it's a way to spread HOPE for the kids that Children's Hospital Boston serves,and the joy of gardening rewards all the people kind enough to donate to the cause. It's a great win win partnership where the giver gets as much as the receiver!
The Plant sale May 2010 raised $10,500.00. Goal is to raise $20,000 in 2011.
I am asking for your support in donating:
Any plant material such as :Aloe Vera plants, African Violets, and seasonal annuals, perennials,herbs,veggies,shrubs .Any plants you need to divide or need to move to make room for new ones are more then welcome!
propagation supplies such as soil,seeds,trays,pots,
Desperately need plant smart volunteers to share their knowledge and love of plants.This is a key component to making the plant sale work. Need Volunteers to help people select the right plants,.All set up tear down and watering will be done for you. You get to share your knowledge and love of gardening,inspire others to garden.. And help a very worthy cause right here in our area! Plus you get a free one day shopping pass to the Costco Avon store and lunch during your volunteer shift.
Also need volunteers Sunday April 17th from 1 pm till 5 pm in Dighton MA . Music,food,kid friendly,work day to get the 600 plants grown at Michelle's house ready for the sale. RSVP at
The sale will feature beautiful; plants donated by many area nurseries and grown by dedicated volunteers
Packard farms in Brockton is a very generous sponsor and donates many beautiful plants of all kinds to fill all your spring gardening needs for the duration of the sale. Lori Packard at Packard farms is the fairy god mother to this project.
Pleasant View Gardens in Louden NH has promised once again to donate beautiful hanging baskets for Mothers day weekend.
D&D Farms in Stow Mass has promised to provide plants to kick of the sale and we are exited to welcome them to the team!
The sale will have a large assortment of heirloom and hybrid tomatoes grown by various volunteers for the 3rd week of the sale.
More sponsors are expected! So stay tuned! Not able to Volunteer? You can still help! Come shop for your spring plants and support Children's Miracle Network Hospital!
The 6 Costco locations in MA and NH, partnering with the CMN Hospitals, raised over $147,000 for Children 's Hospital Boston in 2010. Please join us in helping a great cause that has tremendous impact on the lives of so many local children and families.
Suggestions please?
Charity plant sale to benefit Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals in support of Children's Hospital Boston to be held Starting Friday April 29th Sat April 30 and Sunday May 1st from 1130 am to 5 30 pm.
At the Costco Avon Location 120 Stockwell Drive Avon MA 02322, 508-232-4000 behind Jordan's Furniture..
( Plant sale will also be open every weekend in May. 6th,7th,8th,13th,14th,15th,20st,21nd,22rd and final weekend Thursday 26th,27th,28th,29th,)
Why a Plant sale for a hospital some people ask??... Because it's a way to spread HOPE for the kids that Children's Hospital Boston serves,and the joy of gardening rewards all the people kind enough to donate to the cause. It's a great win win partnership where the giver gets as much as the receiver!
The Plant sale May 2010 raised $10,500.00. Goal is to raise $20,000 in 2011.
I am asking for your support in donating:
Any plant material such as :Aloe Vera plants, African Violets, and seasonal annuals, perennials,herbs,veggies,shrubs .Any plants you need to divide or need to move to make room for new ones are more then welcome!
propagation supplies such as soil,seeds,trays,pots,
Desperately need plant smart volunteers to share their knowledge and love of plants.This is a key component to making the plant sale work. Need Volunteers to help people select the right plants,.All set up tear down and watering will be done for you. You get to share your knowledge and love of gardening,inspire others to garden.. And help a very worthy cause right here in our area! Plus you get a free one day shopping pass to the Costco Avon store and lunch during your volunteer shift.
Also need volunteers Sunday April 17th from 1 pm till 5 pm in Dighton MA . Music,food,kid friendly,work day to get the 600 plants grown at Michelle's house ready for the sale. RSVP at
The sale will feature beautiful; plants donated by many area nurseries and grown by dedicated volunteers
Packard farms in Brockton is a very generous sponsor and donates many beautiful plants of all kinds to fill all your spring gardening needs for the duration of the sale. Lori Packard at Packard farms is the fairy god mother to this project.
Pleasant View Gardens in Louden NH has promised once again to donate beautiful hanging baskets for Mothers day weekend.
D&D Farms in Stow Mass has promised to provide plants to kick of the sale and we are exited to welcome them to the team!
The sale will have a large assortment of heirloom and hybrid tomatoes grown by various volunteers for the 3rd week of the sale.
More sponsors are expected! So stay tuned! Not able to Volunteer? You can still help! Come shop for your spring plants and support Children's Miracle Network Hospital!
The 6 Costco locations in MA and NH, partnering with the CMN Hospitals, raised over $147,000 for Children 's Hospital Boston in 2010. Please join us in helping a great cause that has tremendous impact on the lives of so many local children and families.
offical 2011 begging letter.. yours to use if you want to help
I am planning a charity plant sale to benefit Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals in support of Children's Hospital Boston (see enclosed) to be held this May 2011 . I would like your assistance.
I successfully facilitated a small-scale plant sale May 2010 and raised $10,500.00. I hope to raise $20,000 in 2011.
I am asking for your support in donating:
Any plant material such as Aloe Vera plants, African Violets, and more common seasonal annuls and perennials
propagation supplies (seeds, light carts, trays, plug cells, starting mix, plant tags, fertilizer, seed mats, etc)
Any staff that would like to spend a few hours sharing their knowledge of plants at the sale; monetary donations were always greater when a green-thumb was on hand to advise. Volunteers will receive a one day shopping pass to Costco Avon.
Any other items you think would be helpful in this endeavor would be welcome as well.
Costco Avon will provide one extra large CMN Hospitals Sponsorship Poster with your business information posted in a prominent location for any donation worth $500 at retail.
The 6 Costco locations in MA and NH, partnering with the CMN Hospitals, raised over $147,000 for Children 's Hospital Boston in 2010. Please join us in helping a great cause that has tremendous impact on the lives of so many local children and families.
This request can be validated by contacting Shannon Collins (Warehouse Manager) or Eric DeSatnick (Marketing Manager) at Costco Avon, 508-232-4001.
For any other questions, or to coordinate a donation, you may contact me (or my husband Aaron) directly.
Michelle Tarver
256 Kirk Terrace
North Dighton MA 02764
H 508-386-0759
C 774-273-0020
I successfully facilitated a small-scale plant sale May 2010 and raised $10,500.00. I hope to raise $20,000 in 2011.
I am asking for your support in donating:
Any plant material such as Aloe Vera plants, African Violets, and more common seasonal annuls and perennials
propagation supplies (seeds, light carts, trays, plug cells, starting mix, plant tags, fertilizer, seed mats, etc)
Any staff that would like to spend a few hours sharing their knowledge of plants at the sale; monetary donations were always greater when a green-thumb was on hand to advise. Volunteers will receive a one day shopping pass to Costco Avon.
Any other items you think would be helpful in this endeavor would be welcome as well.
Costco Avon will provide one extra large CMN Hospitals Sponsorship Poster with your business information posted in a prominent location for any donation worth $500 at retail.
The 6 Costco locations in MA and NH, partnering with the CMN Hospitals, raised over $147,000 for Children 's Hospital Boston in 2010. Please join us in helping a great cause that has tremendous impact on the lives of so many local children and families.
This request can be validated by contacting Shannon Collins (Warehouse Manager) or Eric DeSatnick (Marketing Manager) at Costco Avon, 508-232-4001.
For any other questions, or to coordinate a donation, you may contact me (or my husband Aaron) directly.
Michelle Tarver
256 Kirk Terrace
North Dighton MA 02764
H 508-386-0759
C 774-273-0020
Monday, February 21, 2011
Someone asked for advice...
And that is flattering.... So I figured I'd try and walk them through the whole process and give some good advice...
1st advice I guess is this: Know it's going to be a LOT of work. It's NOT all going to go smoothly.And it's kinda stressful trying to get a living product to do what you want on YOUR time schedule. It gives a whole new level of respect to farmers.
Make sure your spouse/kids are on board. It's good to have the moral support and the extra hands.
How to get plants:
Wintersowing. Super simple way to start a lot of stuff.... Soil seeds old milk jugs and a paint pen to mark the kind of seeds in it
a short video that gives the gist of setting up the container...
The PERENNIALS: you sow now will be best for sale in 2012, If you can find perennials that bloom the 1st yr from seed those are good for this year..
Herbs of all sorts are GREAT to start this way.
Tomatos do really well...
I do my sale in May because I have to ..but if you can do Early June or your zone is warmer then me you have more options of what can wintersow well.And be ready in time for your sale . Pansys Petunias really anything can be winter-sown or spring sowed.
Due to my Early sale and zone 5 I start the peppers and tender annuals like impatiences indoors under-lights. My hubby made me a light-set up out of office shelves and fluorescent lights for about 200 bucks,
Low tunnels/hoop-houses are a good way to get the plants out of the lights and outside a lil sooner.
I have an EXTENSIVE list of places I ask for donations ..I mail all over the country. Do not limit yourself to just your area...And I get a good response rate. I have 3 categorize of letters one for nurseries,one for garden clubs and one for hardware-stores.
make sure your letter can be vetted. Provide your intended charities recipients information and let them know that they may get calls.
I do not take the 1st NO for a donation request. If they can not donate I ask for volunteers or to let me buy stuff at cost.
Your supporters deserve accountability in how their donations are used. and you need good records to send thank you notes and to build next years plans
1st advice I guess is this: Know it's going to be a LOT of work. It's NOT all going to go smoothly.And it's kinda stressful trying to get a living product to do what you want on YOUR time schedule. It gives a whole new level of respect to farmers.
Make sure your spouse/kids are on board. It's good to have the moral support and the extra hands.
How to get plants:
Wintersowing. Super simple way to start a lot of stuff.... Soil seeds old milk jugs and a paint pen to mark the kind of seeds in it
a short video that gives the gist of setting up the container...
The PERENNIALS: you sow now will be best for sale in 2012, If you can find perennials that bloom the 1st yr from seed those are good for this year..
Herbs of all sorts are GREAT to start this way.
Tomatos do really well...
I do my sale in May because I have to ..but if you can do Early June or your zone is warmer then me you have more options of what can wintersow well.And be ready in time for your sale . Pansys Petunias really anything can be winter-sown or spring sowed.
Due to my Early sale and zone 5 I start the peppers and tender annuals like impatiences indoors under-lights. My hubby made me a light-set up out of office shelves and fluorescent lights for about 200 bucks,
Low tunnels/hoop-houses are a good way to get the plants out of the lights and outside a lil sooner.
I have an EXTENSIVE list of places I ask for donations ..I mail all over the country. Do not limit yourself to just your area...And I get a good response rate. I have 3 categorize of letters one for nurseries,one for garden clubs and one for hardware-stores.
make sure your letter can be vetted. Provide your intended charities recipients information and let them know that they may get calls.
I do not take the 1st NO for a donation request. If they can not donate I ask for volunteers or to let me buy stuff at cost.
Your supporters deserve accountability in how their donations are used. and you need good records to send thank you notes and to build next years plans
Friday, February 4, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
heavenly blue morning glory
Hibiscus syriacus
moundry fountain grass
zinnia pompom
mixed Dahlia seeds
sunflower velvet queen
four o clocks
lobelia cardinalis
Helianthus maximallion
purple fountain grass
10 week stock
amaranthus princes feather
baby blue eyes
balsam impatiens mix
California Bluebell
Castor beans ( NOT for homes with small children..ALL parts are POISONOUS )
celosia plumosa
evening primrose
globe amaranth mixed colors
lemon mint
marigold petite orange
marigold petite yellow
petunia mixed colors
Virgina stock
mixed zinnea
portulaca sundial orange/peach/peppermint
Zahara Zinnia mix colors
asparagus sprengeri
envy zinnia
zinnia short stuff orange
zinnia pulcino mixed colors
calendula raido
marigold french disco queen
sunflower elite
cleome queen violet
Salvia Empire orchid
Impatients new Guinea orange/pink
cosmos mixed colors
Ranunculus Magic orange
alyssum Easter Bonnet lavender
Zinnea oklahoma salmon
vinca cooler rose
Hibiscus syriacus
moundry fountain grass
zinnia pompom
mixed Dahlia seeds
sunflower velvet queen
four o clocks
lobelia cardinalis
Helianthus maximallion
purple fountain grass
10 week stock
amaranthus princes feather
baby blue eyes
balsam impatiens mix
California Bluebell
Castor beans ( NOT for homes with small children..ALL parts are POISONOUS )
celosia plumosa
evening primrose
globe amaranth mixed colors
lemon mint
marigold petite orange
marigold petite yellow
petunia mixed colors
Virgina stock
mixed zinnea
portulaca sundial orange/peach/peppermint
Zahara Zinnia mix colors
asparagus sprengeri
envy zinnia
zinnia short stuff orange
zinnia pulcino mixed colors
calendula raido
marigold french disco queen
sunflower elite
cleome queen violet
Salvia Empire orchid
Impatients new Guinea orange/pink
cosmos mixed colors
Ranunculus Magic orange
alyssum Easter Bonnet lavender
Zinnea oklahoma salmon
vinca cooler rose
Seeds for a good cause. PT 1 veggies and herbs
Amish Paste
Green Zebera
isis Candy
oxheart Tomato
Yellow Cherry pear tomato
Golden sunrise
Chico III
Baby beef Steak
Early Kus Ali
Varigated tomaot
and Sausage tomato
I have about 60 Roma seeds
and 20 of the following Oregon Spring Brush
Lola Hybrid
Heatwave hybrid II
Best Boy Hybrid
Early wonder
Brandy BOy
Giant tree
Ghost Cherry
bush champion cuke
big red tomato
thai basil
cinnamon basil
lime basil
genovese basil
tomato Cherokee purple
tom warren's yellow
sun gold cherry
black cherry tom
super sweet 100's tom
tomato persimmon
Super beef steak
Cantaloupe no other id
garlic chives
watermelon crimson sweet
Thai egg plant
Chinese cabbage
Peppers: Mainly HOT
red cherry
CA wonder
Santa Fe Grande
Serrano peppers
butternut squash
white pumpkin seeds
Corn:black Aztec
flax seeds
Cilantro delfino
spinach Avon hybrid
winter radish Hild's Blauer
Coriander confetti
niche mix oriental leaf
Amish Paste
Green Zebera
isis Candy
oxheart Tomato
Yellow Cherry pear tomato
Golden sunrise
Chico III
Baby beef Steak
Early Kus Ali
Varigated tomaot
and Sausage tomato
I have about 60 Roma seeds
and 20 of the following Oregon Spring Brush
Lola Hybrid
Heatwave hybrid II
Best Boy Hybrid
Early wonder
Brandy BOy
Giant tree
Ghost Cherry
bush champion cuke
big red tomato
thai basil
cinnamon basil
lime basil
genovese basil
tomato Cherokee purple
tom warren's yellow
sun gold cherry
black cherry tom
super sweet 100's tom
tomato persimmon
Super beef steak
Cantaloupe no other id
garlic chives
watermelon crimson sweet
Thai egg plant
Chinese cabbage
Peppers: Mainly HOT
red cherry
CA wonder
Santa Fe Grande
Serrano peppers
butternut squash
white pumpkin seeds
Corn:black Aztec
flax seeds
Cilantro delfino
spinach Avon hybrid
winter radish Hild's Blauer
Coriander confetti
niche mix oriental leaf
Sunday, January 23, 2011
offical 2011 begging letter.. yours to use if you want to help/.
If you have a place in mind you would like to ask to join this cause this is a sample of the letter I use. If you would like to C/p it feel free. If you need the letter I reference from Jen K at Children's Please let me know
23 Jan 2011
I am planning a charity plant sale to benefit Children's Miracle Network in support of Children's Hospital Boston (see enclosed) to be held this May 2011 . I would like your assistance.
I successfully facilitated a small-scale plant sale May 2010 and raised $10,500.00. I hope to raise $25,000 in 2011. I
I am asking for your support in donating:
Any plant material
propagation supplies (seeds, light carts, trays, plug cells, starting mix, plant tags, fertilizer, seed mats, etc)
Any staff that would like to spend a few hours sharing their knowledge of plants at the sale; monetary donations were always greater when a green-thumb was on hand to advise. Volunteers will receive a one day shopping pass to Costco Avon.
Any other items you think would be helpful in this endeavor would be welcome as well.
Costco Avon will provide one extra large Children's Miracle Network Balloon with your business information posted in a prominent location for any donation worth $500 at retail.
The 5 Costco locations in MA and NH, partnering with the Children's Miracle Network, raised over $149,000 for Children 's Hospital Boston in 2010. Please join us in helping a great cause that has tremendous impact on the lives of so many children and families.
This request can be validated by contacting Shannon Collins (Warehouse Manager) or Eric DeSatnick (Marketing Manager) at Costco Avon, 508-232-4001. Please see also the enclosed letter from Jennifer Kaczenski, manager of CMN Programs at Children's Hospital Boston.
For any other questions, or to coordinate a donation, you may contact me (or my husband Aaron) directly.
Michelle Tarver
256 Kirk Terrace
Norht Dighton MA 02764
H 508-386-0759
C 774-273-0020
CC: CMN letter
23 Jan 2011
I am planning a charity plant sale to benefit Children's Miracle Network in support of Children's Hospital Boston (see enclosed) to be held this May 2011 . I would like your assistance.
I successfully facilitated a small-scale plant sale May 2010 and raised $10,500.00. I hope to raise $25,000 in 2011. I
I am asking for your support in donating:
Any plant material
propagation supplies (seeds, light carts, trays, plug cells, starting mix, plant tags, fertilizer, seed mats, etc)
Any staff that would like to spend a few hours sharing their knowledge of plants at the sale; monetary donations were always greater when a green-thumb was on hand to advise. Volunteers will receive a one day shopping pass to Costco Avon.
Any other items you think would be helpful in this endeavor would be welcome as well.
Costco Avon will provide one extra large Children's Miracle Network Balloon with your business information posted in a prominent location for any donation worth $500 at retail.
The 5 Costco locations in MA and NH, partnering with the Children's Miracle Network, raised over $149,000 for Children 's Hospital Boston in 2010. Please join us in helping a great cause that has tremendous impact on the lives of so many children and families.
This request can be validated by contacting Shannon Collins (Warehouse Manager) or Eric DeSatnick (Marketing Manager) at Costco Avon, 508-232-4001. Please see also the enclosed letter from Jennifer Kaczenski, manager of CMN Programs at Children's Hospital Boston.
For any other questions, or to coordinate a donation, you may contact me (or my husband Aaron) directly.
Michelle Tarver
256 Kirk Terrace
Norht Dighton MA 02764
H 508-386-0759
C 774-273-0020
CC: CMN letter
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The seeds I have been given are GREAT! I am loving it! I will carefully store what I can not use th is year for next year.
Now I need People to GROW the seeds and soil... to grow em in. due to some challenges ( break job,oil heat and feeding 2 teenagers..LOL) I find myself short of if you want to donate Dirt cheap...Please donate some well Dirt..LOL. for the Garden Project.
More complete seed list available soon..and the worse the Seahawks do the sooner that list will be up...
Now I need People to GROW the seeds and soil... to grow em in. due to some challenges ( break job,oil heat and feeding 2 teenagers..LOL) I find myself short of if you want to donate Dirt cheap...Please donate some well Dirt..LOL. for the Garden Project.
More complete seed list available soon..and the worse the Seahawks do the sooner that list will be up...
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I got new seeds..... wanna adopt them?
I have about 100 of each of these seeds Kindly Donated by Trudi at Winter You intrested in Starting any of these for you and for the sale?
Amish Paste
Green Zebera
isis Candy
oxheart Tomato
Yellow Cherry pear tomato
Golden sunrise
Chico III
Baby beef Steak
Early Kus Ali
Varigated tomaot
and Sausage tomato
I have about 60 Roma seeds
and 20 of the following Oregon Spring Brush
Lola Hybrid
Heatwave hybrid II
Best Boy Hybrid
Early wonder
Brandy BOy
Giant tree
Ghost Cherry
Amish Paste
Green Zebera
isis Candy
oxheart Tomato
Yellow Cherry pear tomato
Golden sunrise
Chico III
Baby beef Steak
Early Kus Ali
Varigated tomaot
and Sausage tomato
I have about 60 Roma seeds
and 20 of the following Oregon Spring Brush
Lola Hybrid
Heatwave hybrid II
Best Boy Hybrid
Early wonder
Brandy BOy
Giant tree
Ghost Cherry
2011 Children's Miracle Network Charity Plant sale to benefit Children's Hospital Boston needs your help to get started
Ok, SO I am a bad writer.
Let me Say Thanks for stopping here. I'll do my best to answer your questions and talk you in to helping me.
In 2009 I started to many seeds for my own use. I asked my boss at work if we could sell them at work and I could add what that sale raised to what the company was raising for Children's Miracle Network that would benefit Children's Hospital Boston.
Well from my "extra" plants we made $3000.00.
So I planed for a year grew lots of "extras" found a lot of kind crazy generous people to help me..and we made $10,500.00 in 2010 for Children's Miracle Network that would benefit Children's Hospital Boston.
The Hospital then uses that Money for the general fund,it provides entertainment for Patients,And helps fund the un-insured and catastrophic care fund no Child is turned away...
So Now I am planing the 2011 sale. I am looking for any help any person gnats to give. I need soil, seeds, growers,fetchers,mailers,and transporters for plants to name a few ways I would need your help. OR you tell me..what's your strenght? Want to lend it to me? Great!!
So poke around. Drop me a line. Get involved!
Thanks for stopping by!
Let me Say Thanks for stopping here. I'll do my best to answer your questions and talk you in to helping me.
In 2009 I started to many seeds for my own use. I asked my boss at work if we could sell them at work and I could add what that sale raised to what the company was raising for Children's Miracle Network that would benefit Children's Hospital Boston.
Well from my "extra" plants we made $3000.00.
So I planed for a year grew lots of "extras" found a lot of kind crazy generous people to help me..and we made $10,500.00 in 2010 for Children's Miracle Network that would benefit Children's Hospital Boston.
The Hospital then uses that Money for the general fund,it provides entertainment for Patients,And helps fund the un-insured and catastrophic care fund no Child is turned away...
So Now I am planing the 2011 sale. I am looking for any help any person gnats to give. I need soil, seeds, growers,fetchers,mailers,and transporters for plants to name a few ways I would need your help. OR you tell me..what's your strenght? Want to lend it to me? Great!!
So poke around. Drop me a line. Get involved!
Thanks for stopping by!
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