Did I rember to tell you:
We with the Store did riaed over $30,000 this year ?!!
About 1/2 of that is plants!
The rest of the post : It's not a sexy post..but I won;t loose it here...
- Write “testimony” letter to be endorsed by Packard Farm
- Send Thank Yous to : Marlene, Rebbecca, Trudi, Packard Farm, Zabo, D&D, Pleasant View, Blanchettes, NE Seed Warren Shepard, Araujo’s, Connie, Chris, Carol F, MassHort MG’s, Lilone of GW, PlaysinDirt of GW and ???
- Solicititations: Silva’s in Dighton, Blackmore, Griffin, Get hooked up with grower of herb plugs
- Seed and divide perennials for 2012
- Pot up all ddoanted seedlings and
- pot up all older perennials in to larger pots
- Take cuttings of Bridal bush,beauty bush,Pink,white,blue,green Hydrangea,Nelly and jack clematis,forsythia,Red jap maple,
- Jan
- Start seeds/plugs for hangers, winter sow 2013 perennials
- Send letters for donations
- Feb
- Start Herbs,
- follow up calls
- March
- Start Toms and peppers
- Arrange potting party better with warehouse ... save the date... April 15th.. Sunday before Patriots’ Day
- Hang the banner in the STORE in March/April advertising sale
- Going to need to extend sale hours to match store opening and closer to closing allowing us to get in on 2 very large waves of people. Add more days week of Memorial Day.
For sale:
- MUST have visible price list with blurb that explains it is a fundraiser; prices listed as donations.
- MUST do bench cards/picture book for items NOT donated by Packard Farm
- Plants people asked most for :Mint, Basil, Lilly of valley, rosemary, thyme, geraniums. hangers, Rose bushes (Keep basil under LIGHTS longer or bring back in under-lights)
- Staffing: Need more Volunteers and more Costco Employees to get involved. Particularly if extending hours.
- "adopt" local garden clubs Avon, Stoughton, Brockton, Holbrook, Randolph, Canton, Easton, Sharon, Quincy.
- Ask marketers to focus on hort related groups for member drive.
- Find way to collect email address
- Incorporate as a lic charity