Wednesday, June 15, 2011

So I do not forget

Did I rember to tell you:
We with the Store did riaed over $30,000 this year ?!! 
About 1/2 of that is plants!

The rest of the post : It's not a sexy post..but I won;t loose it here...

  1. Write “testimony” letter to be endorsed by Packard Farm
  2. Send Thank Yous to : Marlene, Rebbecca, Trudi, Packard Farm, Zabo, D&D, Pleasant View, Blanchettes, NE Seed Warren Shepard, Araujo’s, Connie, Chris, Carol F, MassHort MG’s, Lilone of GW, PlaysinDirt of GW and ???
  3. Solicititations: Silva’s in Dighton, Blackmore, Griffin, Get hooked up with grower of herb plugs
  4. Seed and divide perennials for 2012
  5. Pot up all ddoanted seedlings and
  6. pot up all  older perennials in to larger pots
  7. Take cuttings of Bridal bush,beauty bush,Pink,white,blue,green Hydrangea,Nelly and jack clematis,forsythia,Red jap maple,
  1. Jan
  1. Start seeds/plugs for hangers, winter sow 2013 perennials
  2. Send letters for donations
  1. Feb
  1. Start Herbs,
  2. follow up calls
  1. March
  1. Start Toms and peppers
  2. Arrange potting party better with warehouse ... save the date... April 15th.. Sunday before Patriots’ Day
  3. Hang the banner in the STORE in March/April advertising sale
  1. Going to need to extend sale hours to match store opening and closer to closing allowing us to get in on 2 very large waves of people. Add more days week of Memorial Day.
For sale:
  1. MUST have visible price list with blurb that explains it is a fundraiser; prices listed as donations.
  2. MUST do bench cards/picture book for items NOT donated by Packard Farm
  3. Plants people asked most for :Mint, Basil, Lilly of valley, rosemary, thyme, geraniums. hangers, Rose bushes  (Keep basil under LIGHTS longer or bring back in under-lights)
  4. Staffing: Need more Volunteers and more Costco Employees to get involved. Particularly if extending hours.
  5. "adopt" local garden clubs Avon, Stoughton, Brockton, Holbrook, Randolph, Canton, Easton, Sharon, Quincy.
  6. Ask marketers to focus on hort related groups for member drive.
  7. Find way to collect email address
  8. Incorporate as a lic charity

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