Friday, February 4, 2011

May I ask you to consider sending me some seeds... I need a few specific ones: Green beans,summer squash,zucchini,broccoli,lettuce and cauliflower. I have people lined up to sow seeds for the plant sale but these are the requests I can not fill...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, "Crazy Plant Lady",
    Like you, I am doing a plant sale for the Children's Ministry at my church, and I was wondering if you would be interested in trading some seeds with me so we could expand our selections. I am particularly interested in the Gartenperle, Cherokee Purple, Early Kus Ali, and Tom Warren's Yellow Tomatoes. I am also Interested in the Lime Basil and possibly the cinnamon basil and oxheart tomatoes (I would like to offer 100 different varieties of open-pollinated tomatoes at our sale). Anyhow, to trade, I have yellow prolific straightneck squash, Contender Valentine Bush bean (stringless), Louisiana Purple Pod pole bean (not stringless), a Gourmet mix of beans, Rouge D'Hiver Lettuce, Marvel of Four Seasons Lettuce, Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce, Santa Claus Muskmelon, and Cushaw Muskmelon. If you are interested in a trade, please e-mail me with which seeds you are interested in and which seeds you can trade. Also, any tips or advice on doing the sale would be appreciated - this is my first time.
